Some Fighting Continues in Fallujah - 2004-11-14

U.S. and Iraqi forces are battling scattered bands of insurgents in Fallujah as they try to clear the last pockets of resistance in the city.

The U.S. military says 38 U.S. troops and 1,200 insurgents have been killed in the week-long battle. There are no official casualty tolls for civilians or Iraqi soldiers.

Reporters in the city say much of Fallujah lies in ruins after a week of intense fighting and months of air strikes.

U.S. and Iraqi authorities say they are meeting the needs of the city's residents and downplayed fears of a humanitarian crisis. But the Red Crescent says more aid is needed. It sent a convoy to Fallujah but has not been able to go into the city.

Violence also flared Sunday in Baghdad, Ramadi and the northern towns of Baiji and Mosul.

Information for this report is provided by AP, AFP and Reuters.