Burmese Military Leader to Meet With Thai, Lao Prime Ministers - 2004-12-07

Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra says he will bring up international concerns over Burma with the country's military leader later this week.

Mr. Thaksin will hold talks Thursday in Rangoon with Senior General Than Shwe. The Thai prime minister says he will discuss international concerns over the Burmese military's so-called "road map" to democracy, as well as Rangoon's national reconciliation process.

General Than Shwe is also expected to host a meeting this week with Lao Prime Minister Bounnyang Vorachit.

Thailand, Burma and Laos are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

ASEAN countries generally avoid commenting on other members' internal affairs. But Burma's military government is facing growing international criticism for its suppression of democracy and jailing of political dissidents.

Information for this story is provided by REUTERS