Burmese Veteran Politician Widuya Thakin Chit Maung Passes Away

  • Than Htun

Widuya Thakin Chit Maung , 91 , peacefully passed away 3 March at his home in Rangoon.

A well-respected veteran politician,Thakin Chit Maung fought for Burma's Independence from the British and later actively participated in politics during former Prime Minister U Nu and Ne Win's eras. He had also frequently sent open letters to the current military government addressing his concerns on the current political situation in Burma.

Win Myint, his eldest son told VOA , despite being ill for the past 3 years, his father had attended political meetings with his colleague veterans.

Widuya U Chit Maung was also a talented writer and a very eloquent speaker. According to US- based veteran journalist Kyemon U Thaung , Thakin Chit Maung criticized the late Burmese dictator Ne Win in parliament for over an hour using the Burmese classic tale of Widuya as an analogy to his iron grip on power.

Survivors icludes his wife Daw Khin Yee and 7 children. His funeral arrangements are scheduled for Saturday at Yeway cemetery.