Min Ko Naing, prominent student leader of the 1988 pro-democracy mass uprising in Burma, after his release last week talked to Amyothaye U Win Naing, a personal friend and a politician from the nationalist group, during a private meeting in Rangoon.
He talked about a note of greetings he wrote to what he calls “international students” – friends who have supported him and encouraged him with love and dedication.
The Burmese student leader, in a video interview, also talked about his health, his philosophy of life and politics in general and his prison life of 16 years in Burma.
Here is his handwritten greetings in Burmese and the English translation of it:
Greetings to Students Far and Wide
Your expressions of love, support and help afforded me to have this opportunity of greeting you.
You are all students who have been pursuing studies for the sake of shouldering responsibilities in the interest of human society to the fullest physical and intellectual capacity.
On my part, I feel dutiful simply for the recognition you accorded on what has been carried out with the objective of realizing cooperation among the students in the interest of human society.
Yours truly (to one and all),
Min Ko Naing